It is not just about how much you earn on your investments. It is about how much you keep after taxes are factored in.
Investing your savings is part of being able to grow your net worth. One way people tend to lose efficiency in the investing process is by not paying attention to the tax side of the equation. We certainly don’t believe that you should pass up good investment opportunities because of taxes you may pay if they turn out to be successful. However, taxes must be part of the consideration when it comes to building a portfolio and a strategy to increase your net worth.

The first piece we consider is the overall tax classification of the various accounts you can set up. With Roth IRAs, Traditional IRAs, and after-tax accounts all offering different benefits depending on exactly where your income falls in a given year, there are a wide variety of options out there to consider for where you should be stashing away money. We look at your finances, and working with your accountant, develop a plan as to which accounts you should be saving into or pulling money from in order to be as tax-efficient as possible.
The second part that has to be examined is the tax nature of any investments we are buying inside of your accounts. Clients with high incomes and a significant amount of after-tax holdings may benefit from assets that generate tax-free or reduced-tax income, while clients with predominantly pre-tax or tax-free money may find that they don’t have as much of a need for these investments. We work with the individual client to make sure that the investments we buy in your accounts work in concert with the type of accounts you own, and that you aren’t creating more tax problems by misallocating with your different accounts.
Lastly, there are certain tax maneuvers that may make sense and help to reduce your tax burden either today or in the future. We work in collaboration with your accountant and estate planning attorney, and after going through an analysis with them, create a plan to implement a number of strategies to help reduce taxes. This may include concepts such as Roth IRA conversions, gifting strategies, and other ideas to help make sure that we are taking full advantage of the tax code with your investments. Ultimately, the goal is to have as much money as possible stay within your estate, instead of flowing out to pay taxes.
Armstrong Advisory Group, Inc. does not offer tax or legal advice. You are strongly encouraged to seek advice from qualified tax and/or legal experts regarding any tax or legal matters relevant to you.
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Being tax-efficient with your investments and planning is critical to making sure you hold onto the money you earn.
See for yourself how our advisors can help manage your portfolio in a tax-efficient manner.